Galentine's Day Table Setting

I'm not the biggest fan of going out during Valentine's Day, with the overcrowded restaurants and all of the hearts everywhere. But one thing I do love is hosting a good Galentine's Day brunch.

This year Galentine's Day will be at my little apartment, and so I figured what better way to decorate than with a cute DIY XOXO tablecloth. All I used was a not so fancy tablecloth, and black paint, and went crazy with the XOXO pattern.

This little project only took about an hour, but I think the results are worth the little bit of work. Also, I had great company during this project. 

Although I probably should've steamed out some of those wrinkles, the setting was still super cute.

"What's Galentine's Day? Oh, it's only the best day of the year"

- Leslie Knope

Anamaria Contreras
Anamaria Contreras


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